Friday, March 11, 2011

Rembering Secrets Week # 6 , The Shabbat Queen, Track # 7

Remembering Secrets Week # 6
Shabbat Hamalkah( The Queen) Track # 7

יהודה כ"ץ - שבת המלכה by YehudahKatz

Shabbat! It is basically the only vehicle we have left , with the exclusion of Eretz Yisrael, which allows us to connect to the Holineess of above. We have one day a week that gives us the fuel for the entire week to come.
When Bob brought me this melody, he had been used to singing it in an up tempo style to the words of the Friday night prayer, L'cha Dodi, which welcomes in the Shabbat Queen. For some reason, I heard the song as more of a meditative trance. So I added the little meditation chant after the 2nd chorus in the hope that it would bring people together at shows , singing and yearning for a higher spiritual experience.
Following, I brought a number of Kabbalistic quotes and descriptions about Shabbat to my good friend Roi Levi and asked him to compose the lyrics.
You know friends that it is only in Israel where we have the phenomenon of Shabbat existence everywhere and for everyone. Outside of Israel, it can be Shabbat in your home, but when you go out to get the Saturday morning newspaper, something changes. It is not Shabbat out there for everyone. Simply put. Most of the people have no connection to Shabbat on Saturday.
However, in Israel, every radio deejay , at some point in their Friday broadcast , will wish you a "Shabbat Shalom". You drive on Highway #6 and above on the road signs you see the message flashing, "Shabbat Shalom."
You know I have friends that go to the beach on Shabbat ,but it is clear that this day for them is special. They are going ON SHABBAT. Everybody in Israel has Shabbat.
The main thing today is to find one's way to connect ot the Holiness of Shabbat. Certainly there are numerous commandments written in the Torah to "Keep and observe the Shabbat" , not to transgress or disgrace the sanctity of the day with weekday "work." However, did you know that the holy scholar the Ramban( Nachmonidies) claims that the words to Remember ( Zachor) the day of Shabbat are written on both of the Holy Tablets. It is critical that we strive to get to a place where we raise ourselves up with the Holiness of Shabbat, connected to this greatness with our meals, family, friends, prayer an study on this day. Each one of these is an integral way to receive and connect to the Holiness of Shabbat, the sweetness of Shabbat.
May we all be blessed to feel this holiness tonight.
What do you have to say?
Shabbat Shalom,
Yehudah Katz
Tekoa, Isarel

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