Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remembering Secrets week #2 "Not Without You"

Remembering Secrets week #2
Not Without You -(Biladecha Lo Avo) Track #1

יהודה כ"ץ - בלעדיך לא אבוא by YehudahKatz

I remember sitting in the living room of Roi and Osnat Levi, one fall morning two years ago. There Roi , Gilad Vital and myself sat together for the first time. One month prior we had played music together on a celebratory Sukkot Festival stage in Moshav Beit Meir with our friend Eldad Levi, leader of the ethnic band, Maasalah.
Upon leaving the stage we immediately realized that "b'ezrat Hashem", we got something going together.
So on that fall morning, in the beautiful town of Katzir, we sat, drank coffee and talked about the world's condition . We all agreed that each of us needs to take part in fixing the world and this could only happen if we did it together.
We started studying together a beautiful word of Torah from the teachings of the 16th century kabbalist, the Maharal from Prague. In his book,
"The Strength's of God", he teaches that two opposites complete a whole, which is then considered everything , with nothing missing. All there is are one specific thing and it's opposite, to the exclusion of anything else.
And this is what we mean by togetherness and unity. That we are not united until we are all in the circle together. And when is the circle fully complete? When it is One. Hence the philosophical mathematical equation , 1+1=1.
On that morning I witnessed with wonder the ability of one man, his talent and self confidecne under the spiritual influence of life, entering a world where words would instantly dance together in front of our eyes.
Welcome to the lyrical world of poet Roi Levi.The words flow with style from his heart.
He internalized the teaching of the Maharal and molded them into the form of a song. Awesome! What an honor to sit with him in that moment.
So as the song goes, where were we on the Sinai shores or at the foot of Mount Sinai? Either way, we were together like one heart. Feet dancing to the heavens!
One family, committing beyond the shadow of a doubt, to be together forever.
There is no doubt that we've got something special going between us. That too must remain forever.
So what do you have to say???
With Peace and Blessings for a Shabbat Shalom,
Yehudah katz
Tekoa, Israel

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