סודות שנזכרו # 8
רצועה # 3 "בחצי הלילה"
יהודה כ"ץ - בחצי הלילה by YehudahKatz
הרב והזמר החסידי המפורסם, משה שור, כתב הרבה ניגונים נפלאים בשבילו וללהקת התפוצות, וביניהם: עבדו את ה' בשמחה, הפכת מספדי, גלה
הרבה פעמים זכיתי לשיר את ניגונו "הנה לא ינום". כל פעם ששרתי אותו ראיתי בעין השלישית תמונה של עם ישראל יוצאים ממצרים באמצע, או יותר נכון, בחצי הלילה.
אז יום אחד כשישבתי עם חברי רואי לוי משוטי הנבואה, ולמדנו על העניין מההגדה "שבכל דור ודור חייב אדם לראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצרים", אמרתי לרואי, בוא נכתוב מלל על היציאה שלנו .
מיד זכינו לתמונה הבאה: עמוד האש לפנינו , עשן מאחורינו
מעבדות יצאנו , החרות מצאנו
לילה זה לנו הפסח, לילה זה לנו לנצח
כך נזכור , כל דור ודור
אני מברך את כולנו לזהות ולהבין את "המצרים" האישי ועממי שלנו היום ולהחליט סוף סוף "אני יוצא! די לשעיבוד שלי!" אני רק רוצה להתחייב שנאסוף יחד ,בואו נתאחד, לכבד ולאהוב אחד לשני ולמלא באופן הכי עמוק את מצוות התורה של "ואהבת לרעך כמוך, אני ה'"
מה אתם אומרים???
שבת שלום,
יהודה כ"ץ
ישוב תקוע,ישראל
Friday, April 1, 2011
Remembering Secrets Week # 8 Track # 3 In the Middle of the NIght
Remembering Secrets Week #8
In the Middle of the Night- Bachatzi Halayla Track # 3
יהודה כ"ץ - בחצי הלילה by YehudahKatz
Rabbi Moshe Shur has written some awesome niggunim over the years for himself and The Diaspora Yeshiva Band:
Ivdu Et Hahsem B'simchah, Hafachta, and Galei to name a few .
I would often sing his great Niggun ( Melody) which he called Hiney Lo Yanum. Every time I sang it I had the feeling that I was seeing the Jewish people. Mystically sneaking out of Mitzrayim( we call it Egypt) in the middle of the night. It just had that vibe for me.
So one day, when learning about getting out of Mitrzayim( as it is written in the Hagaddah, everyone needs to see themselves as if he/she is going out right now) with my friend Roi Levy ( Shotie Hanevua) I said, let's write some lyrics about that story. Going out. We are going out right now!
Immediately we had this great picture
Amud Haesh L'fanenu – The pillar of fire in front of us leading our way
Ashan Me'achoreinu - The smoke following our trail
Me'avdut Yatzanu - We went out of slavery
Ha'cherut Matzanu - We found true spiritual and physical freedom
Layla zeh Lanu Hapesach – On this night we have Pesach
Layla Zeh Lanu lanetzach – On this night for ever and ever
Kach nizkor Kol Dor Vador- This is the way we will remember it for generation after generation
May we all be blessed to identify and understand our individual personal Mitzrayim( constraints) and our collective ones and be blessed to finally decide this year
"We want out! No more slavery to anything!" Just committed to coming together, to honoring and loving each other and to fulfilling in the deepest way the Torah 's
V'ahavta Lereacha Kamocha, Love your friend like you love yourself, Ani Hahsem, I am God.
Shabbat Shalom,
Yehudah Katz
Tekoa , Israel
In the Middle of the Night- Bachatzi Halayla Track # 3
יהודה כ"ץ - בחצי הלילה by YehudahKatz
Rabbi Moshe Shur has written some awesome niggunim over the years for himself and The Diaspora Yeshiva Band:
Ivdu Et Hahsem B'simchah, Hafachta, and Galei to name a few .
I would often sing his great Niggun ( Melody) which he called Hiney Lo Yanum. Every time I sang it I had the feeling that I was seeing the Jewish people. Mystically sneaking out of Mitzrayim( we call it Egypt) in the middle of the night. It just had that vibe for me.
So one day, when learning about getting out of Mitrzayim( as it is written in the Hagaddah, everyone needs to see themselves as if he/she is going out right now) with my friend Roi Levy ( Shotie Hanevua) I said, let's write some lyrics about that story. Going out. We are going out right now!
Immediately we had this great picture
Amud Haesh L'fanenu – The pillar of fire in front of us leading our way
Ashan Me'achoreinu - The smoke following our trail
Me'avdut Yatzanu - We went out of slavery
Ha'cherut Matzanu - We found true spiritual and physical freedom
Layla zeh Lanu Hapesach – On this night we have Pesach
Layla Zeh Lanu lanetzach – On this night for ever and ever
Kach nizkor Kol Dor Vador- This is the way we will remember it for generation after generation
May we all be blessed to identify and understand our individual personal Mitzrayim( constraints) and our collective ones and be blessed to finally decide this year
"We want out! No more slavery to anything!" Just committed to coming together, to honoring and loving each other and to fulfilling in the deepest way the Torah 's
V'ahavta Lereacha Kamocha, Love your friend like you love yourself, Ani Hahsem, I am God.
Shabbat Shalom,
Yehudah Katz
Tekoa , Israel
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